Colton’s Birthday Interview 2013

ColeAge4Our little man turned four.

Here he is in his own words:

[vimeo 69516625]

What is your favorite color?  

Green and Yellow.

What is your favorite toy?

Teddy Bear (Probably because it was the toy he had with him at that moment.  Cole has lots of favorites, and whatever he has with him is often his favorite).

What is your favorite show?

Jake and the Neverland Pirates  (The most recent show he has been introduced to).

What is your favorite thing to eat?

Watermelon (he adds and juice, sometimes his papa puts watermelon juice into a little teacup for Cole as a special treat).

What is your favorite outfit?

A tie and a nice shirt (Cole and I had been to the theater, he does love dressing up, though it does not happen often).

What is your favorite animal?

Teddy Bear

What is your favorite song?

Old Macdonald, The Itsy Bitsy Spider (I asked him about show tunes because we have been listening to a Pandora station and he has been singing his little heart out. He chooses Chim Chimney and I ask him about Tomorrow).

What is your favorite story?

The Three Little Pigs

Who is your best friend?

“You and Bella”

What is your favorite thing to do outside?

Play in my sandbox, play with my toys.

What is your favorite drink?

“Juice and milk and water . . . . and apple cider”  He has a good memory he had apple cider in the fall and loved it.

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?

His teddy bear.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A teenager.  (He really does look forward to being a teenager.  I did get him to say now that he will listen to me when he is a teenager . . . ).

What is your favorite thing about Papa?

“Playing with him . . . Tick-Tock, Tall Mater”  (I asked him about this.  He says that he and Papa play Tick-Tock, like the crocodile from Peter Pan, and that Tall Mater is playing cars). “I love Papa, and he can fly me like Peter Pan.  I can fly! I can fly! I can fly!” (Andrew is really good at flying Cole all around).

What is your favorite thing about Mama?

“You. You snuggle me in your bed . . . Play with puppets.”  I brought up going to the theater.

What’s your favorite thing to do?

Play with boats.


Happy fourth birthday, dear boy!  We love you!