31 Days of Intentional Adventures

For the month of October I have decided to take the leap and join other bloggers in committing to blogging for 31 days straight on one focused topic.

It was this 31 day series last year that got me reading blogs.  This year the Nester invited anyone to join in with their own 31 day challenge . . . so we are leaping.

We recently just updated the title of our blog from “Sharpteam Blog” to one that indicates a little bit more of who we are and what we are blogging about.  We are now officially . . .

These are two of our key “words.” We have six value words that we have chosen to name our values (we wrote more about them here ) Together “intentional” and “adventure” describe a great deal of how we choose to live, with mindful intention and embracing adventure.

For the next 31 days we will be writing about this . . . intentional adventuring, and we will be living it and we will be sharing it, hoping to have some practical tips for you like . . .

    • How to set expectations
    • How to live with intention
    • How to adventure locally
    • How to live mindfully
    • How to embrace adventure in challenges
    • How to reflect on experiences
    • Lessons learned in intentional adventuring

So we invite you to join us as we live life intentionally adventuring . . . you can find all of our 31 Day posts here, here is the entry for Day 1.  And if you would like to receive the posts by email, you can subscribe at the top right of the page under our picture.  You can also subscribe by RSS feed, which is how I keep track of other blogs . . .


Updating as we go . . .

Day 1: About Intention
Day 2About Adventure
Day 3: Challenge – Community Event (Hayride)
Day 4: Challenge – Use Groupon (Daytrip)
Day 5: Challenge – Find Event on the Internet (Art Show +)
Day 6: Challenge – Head to the Local Fair
Day 7: Flashback Friday – AndrewLiza
Day 8: Challenge – Celebrate with Family
Day 9: Challenge – Celebrate Your Own Birthday

And if you are interested in all kinds of other blogging adventures, check out all of the 31 Days . . .

Toddler Tuesday: Our Big Hearted Little Guy

We have prayed that our little guy would have a big heart . . . that he would grow into a kind and compassionate boy.

We have been wary as we have waited out these days since September 6 when Cole had an X-ray . . . we were told that his heart looked slightly enlarged and set up an appointment with a cardiologist.

Today Andrew explained to him that the cardiologist was a doctor who was going to check his heart.  Cole responded, “Doctor check my feelings.”

We headed off this afternoon . . . we went in and Cole had an EKG.

He looks a little scared, but he was such a trooper and did not cry at all and did everything he was asked.

We consulted with an internist.  The EKG looked good, but the doctor was still concerned about the X-rays.

So we stayed and Cole had an echocardiogram.

He had to stay still for a half hour.  He had been such a good kid for the first forty-five minutes that the doctor thought he would be fine for the procedure.  His mama was a little concerned.

But this toddler was a real trooper.  I have never seen Cole lie still while he is awake for any amount of time. He loves to move, but he listened and he did whatever was asked of him . . . and then . . .

He fell asleep.  They took 97 pictures of his heart on this sonogram type machine and our little guy slept.

In the end he was given the all clear.  His heart looks good.  They believe that it looked large because of a shadow in the x-ray.

Cole carried peace with him through every minute of our time at the doctors.  Our prayers were answered . . . that he would be a healthy little guy and that he would be big-hearted . . . but just in his feelings.

Lots of other kiddos there today having their hearts checked, praying for them as well.

Fall Mantel 2011

Autumn is here and we are officially kicking off our celebration of Fall with a Fall Mantel

One year ago Andrew and I did our first attempt at a seasonal mantel, here is what we did last Fall . . .

Fun to see the different choices we are making in these days.  You can see our Fall Mantel, Christmas MantelWinter Mantel, and Spring/Summer Mantel in these posts, a year of mantels!

This year we decided that we wanted our Fall to be filled with two things . . . Community and Gratitude, so we made this sign together.  Andrew built and painted the pallet and I wrote on it our own Fall mantra . . .

We have begun venturing out into local antique stores, we live near dozens of them, and we found two old crates that we thought were fun.

The first we used to gather things that represented the gathering of the academic community (the new school year starts for me as I work in a high school).  Andrew and I also read together, and love to do so in the Fall in front of a fire.  And that globe is showing off Venezuela where we met . . .

The other little crate is sweet with its three compartments . . . one for each member of the Sharpteam.

The other side includes memories of Fall last year . . .

Andrew and I took those two pictures last fall as one of our goals to embrace Fall.  They bring back memories of a lovely lunch hour on a beautiful Fall Day.

The verse is a printable that I found online at Pinterest.

There she is, our intentional Fall Mantel, 2011.

Pin the Tail on the Bloggy!

Happy Autumn Everyone!

Summery Summary

With Labor Day past and the school year beginning anew, the Sharpteam is changing their rhythms again and letting go of summer whilst embracing Fall.  Before we let the sweet days of summer go, we are reflecting back on what turned out to be a grand time of celebration and adventure.

Summer marked lots of new transitions for the Sharpteam.  Andrew, who has been working from home since 2007 moved back out into the workplace and is commuting daily, while Liza and Cole had days together.  In order to bring intentional play and adventuring into our days, we celebrated theme weeks.

I was not sure how I felt about it, but in retrospect, it was a great way to add a little incentive and learning into our days.  And committing to blog about it made us accountable, so thank you.

Here is a little reflection on the summer, with summaries and memorable moments.

Summary – We had a wonderful birthday week with trips to the beach, the guitar man, and Halibut Point.  Cole received two of his favorite things: a guitar and a bike.  And we celebrated with a theme party for family.

Memorable Moment – The glee on Cole’s face when he ran out of the house to see the boat the Papa Skip and Meme brought for his birthday party.

Summary – We sang the alphabet song, played with letters, made alphabet pretzels and started going regularly to the YMCA.

Memorable Moment – Colton’s pure joy in cooking, followed by the fact that at the end of the summer he not only knows the alphabet but has learned many of his letters.

Summary  – We watched airplanes take off and land at Logan from across the way, we ate breakfast at the local airport cafe, we had an improv-ed “airplane food” lunch and Colton got to get into an old airplane, a great week.

Memorable Moment – Getting to get into an airplane that was made during WWII.  Cole was in awe and I loved when he wore those aviators!

Summary – During animal week we went to two different farms, a zoo, the pet store and out to feed the ducks.  Cole got to see all different kinds of animals.

Memorable Moment: Cole found pure joy at feeding the ducks.  He loved being able to throw and he loved giving them food.  It was a sweet reminder to me of times as a babysitter feeding the ducks two decades ago.

Summary – For Boat Week Cole and I ventured to the Salem Harbor together and explored the Friendship.  We went on a paddleboat and on Papa Skip’s sailboat.  Cole loves the water.

Memorable Moment – I absolutely loved following my boy as he explored the Friendship.  He is learning every moment and loved exploring the big boat.

Summary – We explored art outdoors and indoors this week.  Cole enjoyed it all.

Memorable Moment – Cole fell in love with the stick ball pictured above.  It sat in our village throughout the summer.  Every time he saw it he had great joy.  It was just removed.  Cole continues to remember it and says “Stickball all gone.”  Each time we pass its former spot.

Summary – We went on a roadtrip as a family from Massachusetts to Virginia and back and it was a wonderful week!  We camped and we stayed in a carriage house.  We went for a buggy ride and we drove through New York City.  We loved all of our time together and especially enjoyed the wedding of Ashley and Ross.

Memorable Moment – Natural Bridge with Andrew and Cole was a complete and utter joy, it may have been my favorite moment this year.  We love adventuring together and it is a lovely unexpected adventure.

Summary – For color week we picked a color each day and then found that color throughout the day.  So fun.

Memorable Moment – My dad was here during color week, so when I look at these pics of Colton I think of my Dad.  He spent lots of his time with us out on the patio or porch.  For days after he was gone Colton would wake up and tell me that “Papa Brad on the porch.”  Makes me happy.

Summary – With the close of summer we thought we would have one last  week of beaches.  And it was perfect beach weather and a great week.

Memorable Moment – Cole is a runner and he is running all the time.  We are working on teaching him the importance of staying with us.  But being on the beach was too tempting . . . he kept running off.  We had a talk about the importance of asking for a hand when he went near the water.  He gave in.  As we were leaving the beach he ran up to a stream of water.  Stopped, and ran back to us, “Papa, hand?”  Melt my heart, he is always learning!

Good bye summer, it was a great adventure!

Summer Week 10 {Beach Week} : Beaches

We have been enjoying beaches . . . not necessarily the most exciting post, but we have had good times . . .


At Magnolia Beach

At Kennebunk Beach “Children’s Beach”  where the house on the beach has a clock so the children can all be home on time . . .

And our favorite . . . the beach where Andrew first kissed me and proposed to me, Singing Beach . . .

Happy Labor Day Weekend!