Summer 2012 Week 1 {Birthday Week} – Birthday Interview

Cole and I sat down for a little interview, (video below).  He answered some questions in ways I don’t think are all the way true, so my answers for him (oh no will I be that kind of mother?) follow his.

What is your favorite color?  

Black* (He gives a different answer to this question every time, he said “white” before the camera rolled, he often says pink or blue, I don’t think there is a favorite color yet).

What is your favorite toy?

Cars (He loves cars and trucks and trains and everything that moves).

What is your favorite movie?

Toy Story 2

What is your favorite thing to eat?

Ice Cream* (Ice Cream is a treat, but I think his favorite thing to eat is his Papa’s guacamole, but his Papa is a great cook, so he could have named lots of great food).

What is your favorite outfit?

Cole finally answers, “ipad.”  (Truth is he does not care at all about what he is wearing).

What is your favorite animal?

A gorilla (We did see an amazingly cute little gorilla climbing all around at the zoo and we gave Cole a little stuffed gorilla on his birthday).

What is your favorite song?

The Bubble Song (I had never heard this song, Cole loves to sing)

What is your favorite story?

Winnie the Pooh (he picks a different book every night, again no favorite at this time).

Who is your best friend?

Joanna (His new teacher at school, which is great!  Usually he tells his Papa, “Papa, you are my best friend.” It was the first time we heard those words, “best friend.”  He does name some of the kids in his class who he really does like to play with, but I think his real best friend is Bella, who is too young to be in his school class, but when they were in class together they were great friends, and every time we go to school he looks for her).

What is your favorite thing to do outside?

Play in my sandbox (he loves this).

What is your favorite drink?

Orange Juice (He is allergic to orange juice, so I am not sure if he has had it, he likes apple juice, but we still dilute it, and lately he has been asking for milk a lot).

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?

A book. (This is probably true, though he is not allowed to have books at night.  He has a special Teddy that he sleeps with named Theo; it was given to him by our friend Heidi).

What do you want to be when you grow up?

To watch a show (I think he got confused here and was thinking about what he wanted to be doing right now.  He has always said he wants to be our doctor.  She is the most amazing doctor in the world.  He named a wooden doll after her and would carry it with him in the car).

What is your favorite thing about Papa?

“Plays with you” (I think this is what he said, I do not know why I brought up the sandbox here).

What is your favorite thing about Mama?

Playing in my sandbox.

What’s your favorite thing to do?

Play (Probably true).

[vimeo 45042130]

Our hope is to continue to interview him around his birthday.  I think instead of always asking the same questions we will adapt them to his age, but we are off to a start.

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